Ballinasloe Calais Refugee Solidarity Group has been set up to coordinate a response to the refugee crisis in Europe (convoy Sept 30th Cork to Calais)
Open from 9am to 4pm until 22nd September and located near Barrett's Hardware Shop - Ring 089 4488709 for more information ARTICLES NEEDED MEN/TEEN BOYS CLOTHING Hiking Boots, Wellies, Runners (Size 7-9) Jackets, coats, ,jumpers , Tracksuit bottoms, (Small & Medium size) Jeans Size 28-32 Belts, Socks & NEW underwear Wooly hats, scarves, gloves TOILETRIES(men) Soap, Shampoo, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Deodorant, Shaving foam, Razors. Face Cloths Tissues Towels HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Pots & Pans Rubbish Bags Litter cleaning equipment Plastic Sheeting Tents & Sleeping Bags Travelling Bags Blankets & Duvets Tools Candles, Dynamo Torches Smartphones ( with Sim) FIRST AID ( For Group of 4) 2 absorbent compress dressings ( 5x9”) 25 adhesive bandages ( assorted sizes) 1 adhesive cloth tape ( 10yds &1”) 5 antibiotic ointment packets ( I Gram) 5 antiseptic wipe packets 2 packets of aspirin (81 mg each) 1 blanket (space blanket) 1 breathing barrier ( with 1 way valve) 1 instant cold compress 2 pair non latex gloves ( large) 2 hydrocortisone ointment packets ( 1 Gram each) 1 Roller bandage (3”) 1 Roller bandage (4”) 5 Sterile gauze pads (3”x3”) 5 Sterile gauze bandages (4”x4”) Oral thermometer ( non mercury/ non glass) 2 triangular bandages Permethrin cream 5% Crotaniton lotion/cream 10% Non latex gloves small, medium Disposable protective clothing Any other medical items except scissors
Don't forget to like this very worthy cause on Facebook by clicking below!
A free family event with a difference is to be held in Ballinasloe next Friday and Saturday, September 18th and 19th. St Brigid’s Heritage Group is inviting everybody to join them as they are transported back in time to Ireland 1915. Local actors will re-create the atmosphere of the period and answer any queries you have about this fascinating period in history.
The event begins with a Culture Night Concert on Friday at 7.30pm featuring Club Damhsa an Sean Nós, Béal Ātha na Sluaighe, members of Blossom Harp Ensemble, All-Ireland champion dancers the Behan sisters and local musicians including Liam Loughrey, Alan Coulihan, Johnny Johnston, Seamus Feerick and introducing singer Ciara Lawless There will also be an exhibition of news from the local papers and photographs from the period around 1915. A quick browse through these sources show that Ballinasloe people were fond of dancing , barely a week passing without some group organizing a dance in the Town Hall or the Wigan Hall. There’s all the news on marriages and deaths as well as a running commentary on the war which seems to grow nearer as the year goes on with reports of deaths at the front, intense recruiting and a growing possibility of conscription. On Saturday activities will start with a 12 noon camógie match between Pearses, South Roscommon the holders, and Ballinasloe Camógie for The Ada English Cup. The afternoon programme from 2pm to 6pm offers a children’s corner, puppet show, vintage display, World War 1 Exhibition, a society wedding, local characters and important visitors, political movements, music, dancing and street ballads. There will be a prize for the best period costume, a family fun quiz and the event wraps up with the Gullanes Session on Saturday night from 9pm.
For more information and to keep updated please like their facebook page below.
The main aim of the Men on the Move Activity Programme is to increase the level of physical activity amongst men over 35 years of age. The emphasis in the programme is to create awareness and understanding of the importance of physical activity and the health benefits not just of physical health but of mental health and well being.
The Ballinasloe group had a great turn out this week at the Athletics Track. Fore more information contact Noel Mannion, Noel Lyons or Sean Riddell - contact details are in the poster below!
The Pillar House has a stellar line up of Trad Musicians & Songsters for the Larry Reynolds Weekend, Friday 11th to Sunday 13th September. Join us for what will be a great weekend of music, song, dance and craic - where else would ya be
![]() Little Mark Dolan and his Wish To Walk campaign received a huge boost this weekend when All Ireland finalists Padraic and Cathal Mannion from the local Ahascragh club dropped into to see Mark and pledge their support to his cause. The two brothers, who have celebrity status in these parts as hurling fever grabs the County, took Mark to the local GAA pitch and posed for photos. They also signed a hurley to be used at an auction in the village to help raise funds for Mark's life-changing surgery.
In just two weeks time Mark, along with his parents Fidelma and Kevin Dolan, will board a plane to St Loius, Missouri in the USA where they will attend a clinic ran by DR TS Park, a neurosurgeon, who specialises in Mark's condition and has performed numerous SDR surgeries on Irish children over the years. The family will have to stay in St Louis for up to five weeks whilst Mark undergoes surgery. The first surgery will take place just three days after their arrival and will last for six hours which will be distressing for the little three year old boy and parents alike.
Having got through the surgery the next 72 hours for Mark is critical in order for the surgery to be successful. During this period his parents, working in shifts, will have to keep Mark lying still on his back with total restriction of movement which will be severe on all parties. Having got over this critical period brave Mark will more than likely proceed to a second surgery to have the muscles in his legs loosened again. Following on from this the family will spend four further weeks in intensive physio programmes to prepare Mark for the long journey home. Meanwhile back home Marks Wish to Walk campaign and its hard-working committee are still busy raising funds to cover the enormous costs of Mark's Journey. Campaign chairman Seamus Concannon explained to the Irish Independent that the campaign and the good will of the local people were determined to fund as much of the enormous costs of Mark's journey which in all will total close to €120,000. He pointed out that Mark's journey was a long one which started just under a year ago with the three times weekly visit to the clinic in Limerick which has so far cost the family €15,000. He also explained that when Mark steps off the plane from Missouri he faces a further two years care in the clinic in Limerick which is vital to his recovery and this will cost a further €30,000. €65,000 approx will go towards the surgery and flights,and accommodation and extras make up the balance.
The chairman added that the campaign to date had exceeded all expectations and that after five weeks that just under €80,000 had been raised. This as been achieved by a small but vibrant community coming together as one and reaching out to its friends and colleagues further afield. Donations have been received from as little as two euro from the Facebook Challenge to up to €10,000 for a fundraiser by a family cousin Mary Anderson Gorman who shaved her long golden hair in a pub in her native Ferbane.
All sort of events have been held locally, such as waxathons, Church gate collections, bog walks, quiz nights, raffles, auctions, tea parties, car washes, dances, pony races and the lists goes as as the general public go all out to fulfil Mark's dream. The generosity and sacrifices people have made have overwhelmed his parents, and this campaign only highlights what a wonderful Nation we are when it comes to a worthy cause. His parents and committee along with local parish priest Fr Kevin Reynolds are holding a special Mass of GRATITUDE AND HOPE on Tuesday 15th September at 8pm in St Cuan’s Church Ahascragh just before the family leave for the USA to pray for little Marks safe journey and for the family to show Gratitude to the hundreds and indeed thousands of people who have joined in this campaign. Who knows, next Monday 7th the Mannion brothers, accompanied by a certain Mr Liam McCarthy, may call in to Ahascragh once again and join in on MARK'S WISH TO WALK!
And for further updates or to see how you can help please like and visit Mark's Wish to Walk Facebook Page
Following on from our successful Business Networking Barbeque in July the Town Team are hosting another get together for Businesses in the area on Friday the 18th September in Maud Millers from 6.00-7.30pm.
The cost will be €5 per person for food on the evening. The main purpose of the event is to bring the businesses in the area together to generate ideas and discuss promotion and cross-marketing of businesses in the area, and in particular the leaflet drop we propose doing at the end of October. We will need confirmation of businesses that wish to be included in the marketing leaflet by the 25th September so if you can’t attend the BBQ but are interested please let the town team know. All businesses in the area are more than welcome to attend, so please feel free to forward to anyone you think may be interested. If you require any further information, contact Lyn in Ballinasloe Enterprise Centre. Also we will be uploading all business details onto the town website over the coming days, if you want your details amended or want additional information included please log onto Look forward to seeing you on the 18th On behalf of the town team. Jacinta Divilly, Val Colleran, Colm Croffy, Lyn Donnelly, Aidan Donoghue, Seamus Duffy, Tara Galvin, Paula Harley, Carmel Grealy, Kate Murray, Mike O’Brien, Pádraig Ó Ceithearnaigh & Ger Tully.
The search for the Fair & festival Queen of the Fair 2015 is on! All local clubs, pubs, organisations and businesses are invited to nominate a candidate over 18 years of age to take part in the competition in September sponsored by Gullane's Hotel.
The successful girl will be an ambassador for the town and have the opportunity to meet and greet all nationalities during the year. The selection of the 2015 Queen of the Fair will take place in Gullane's Hotel on September 19th. Further information from Mary: 0872071869; Kathleen 0851028685. Download an Application Form For more information on the Ballinasloe October Fair please visit their website or go to the Facebook page below:
Check out this video created by a student for a school project ;-)
We have an open day and registration in Ballinasloe on Saturday 5th September & Wednesday 9th September. Come along and check out our classes in action.
Times for Saturday open day Age 4-5 (11.15-12pm) Age 6-7, 8-9 & 10-11 (12-1pm) Age 12-13 & 14+ (1-2pm) Times for Wednesday open day Age 8-9, 10-11 & 12-13 (4.30-5.30pm) For more info or to book your place call Elaine on 0877997078 Best of luck to the Galway Senior Hurling team as they face Kilkenny on September 6th in Croke Park.
It's been 27 years, so it's about time we brought the Liam McCarthy Cup home again. The very best of luck also to the Galway Minor Hurling team as they face Tipperary. Gaillimh Abú
Ballinasloe Swimming Club's new term will start this coming Friday, September 4th. For additional information please call Monica McKeon on 087 7432787, see our website, or look up Ballinasloe Swimming Club on Facebook for updates.
Our new term will run from Fri Sept 4th - Fri Dec 18th. Sessions same as last term: A squad Mon, Wed, Fri 5-6.30pm, Sat 12-2pm (this includes a land based session upstairs in Coral Leisure from 1-2pm). B squad Mon & Wed 4-5pm, Fri 6.30-7.30pm. |
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