Rory Kilduff passed away on 24th February at the age of 94 years. Damian Mac Con Uladh gave a wonderful message in honour of Rory. '' Rory Kilduff, one of the last traditional saddlers in the west of Ireland if not in the country, died yesterday, in his 94th year. He was such a lovely man and a true Ballinasloe character. You could never pass by his shop on Main Street - and him working at his bench and looking out from his window to the world - without dropping in for an auld chat. Or get your leather schoolbag patched up. It was like stepping back into another century, which is no wonder considering the shop was about 200 years old (or so he said) and his own father started working there in 1889. Rory kept it going until his retirement in 1994. In that shop you'd be entertained by his repertoire of town lore, jokes and commentary or be quizzed about some of the more recent local events and controversies. He loved travelling too, and went on a fair few bus tours of the continent and further afield. He'd come back then and tell all and sundry about events like the WW2 battle of Remagen and how the Americans took the bridge from the Nazis: all relayed with dollops of humour and in the best Ballinasloe accent and way. He played bridge and sipped whiskey with my grandmother for many years so hopefully they can now resume where they left off, almost 30 years ago. My deepest sympathies to his lovely wife Maura. Ní bheidh a leithéid arís ann.'' We offer his family and friends our deepest sympathies. May he rest in peace.
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Fit Town has been the talk of the town for the last few weeks! 13th March 2016 marks the Finalé of Fit Towns in Ballinasloe with a fun-packed day to celebrate.
With Walking, Running, Cycling, Obstacle Races, Penalty shootouts, Face-painting, Dance, Crossbar Challenges - the challenge will be to not find something to do on the day! So get down to GAA Clubhouse in Ballinasloe from 12:30pm to 4pm on Sunday 13th March. For more information on Fit Town you can visit our section on this website or visit Fit Town's facebook page: ![]() It's the people that make a difference! On Monday February 29th, there will be a seminar organised by Community Hearts in Gullanes's Hotel Main Street Ballinasloe - a part of Ballinasloe Fit Town Initiative. Starting at 7:30pm for 90 mins Presentation: "Happy Heart means Happy Body" All welcome - please text 087 6787667 to guarantee your seat and a cuppa ;-) ![]() The Fair & Festival/FitTown Dance Competition was just launched this week (poster attached) closing date Friday 4th March so time to get dancing and recording! This Competition has 3 categories. Category one for 1st, 2nd and 3rd class students, Category 2 for 4th, 5th and 6th class students and the Final Category is for post primary students! All the videos submitted will be played on the big screen on the Fit Town Celebration day in the GAA clubhouse on Sunday the 13th of March so make sure to save the date! Winners will be announced at our Fit Town Celebration Day as well with 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes in each category. The dances can be performed as a solo dance, a group of 2 or more or as a class dance, meaning lots of different routines on display! The videos cannot exceed 3 minutes and must be submitted via a USB or memory stick to Mary Phelan at the Presbytery, Dunlo Street, Ballinasloe by the 4th of March. The dances will be judged on how well their dance encourage fitness, team spirit, innovation and fun! For more information or if you have any questions call Ciara Or Caroline at 087 655 5631/087 769 5200. ![]() Credit Union Primary Schools Art Competition Ballinasloe has entered the race to compete for the title of Galways Fittest Town in 2016. The competition which takes place from 1st February – 13th March is an initiative of Galway Sports Partnership with the objective of encouraging and supporting people from all aspects of our community to get out and get active! The Fit Town Team have worked in partnership with a number of groups, clubs, organisations and schools throughout the community to schedule a variety of programmes and events over the 6 week period – details are available online @ and also in the current edition of Ballinasloe Life. To complement this project Ballinasloe Credit Union are collaborating with the Fit Town Team and Primary Schools in the area to launch a ‘Healthy Little Me’ Art Competition. The challenge is for each child to depict through their creative mind what it means to be healthy and how they think they might influence their own wellbeing – taking into consideration diet, nutrition, exercise, lifestyle and other influences such as family, friends schools, clubs, environment. Post Primary School 6 Word Story Competition With the same theme are also partnering with the new Ballinasloe Library and the two Post Primary Schools; Garbally and Ardscoil Mhuire 6 Word Story Competition. The challenge is to express in a 6 word ‘story’ what being healthy means to them and how they think they might influence their own healthy and wellbeing – taking into consideration exercise, diet, nutrition, lifestyle and other influences such as family, friends, schools, clubs, food production methods, labelling/marketing, environmental factors etc.. Competition Details; Both competitions will run concurrently and will be launched through the schools network on 2nd February. Closing date 26th February. Presentation of Prizes will be Tuesday evening 8th March in the new Ballinasloe Library (Time to be decided) ![]() Thanks to Ballinasloe Cycling Club and Beechlawn Organic Farm for this great recipe for Fit Town Ballinasloe!: "Made these up for FIT TOWN BALLINASLOE and Ballinasloe Cycling Club on Sunday morning and they went down a treat and everyone was asking for recipe so you can make these up any way just try have a good balance of dried fruits and nuts and seeds the porridge makes them dryer and the more honey makes them stickier all these organic products can be got in Beechlawn Organic Farm's webshop. All these are dried fruits so you can keep them in the press!" John Donnelly, Beechlawn Organic Farm ENERGY BOMBS
In a food processor blitz up all your dry ingredients and make sure it's well mixed, slowly add the honey while still mixing until you get a nice mixture that you can form little balls they should be a little sticky and then once formed into balls roll them in almond flour or grated coconut to keep them nice and dry , keep them in a sealed container and they will last 2 weeks in fridge (unless you eat them all before hand!) ![]() The Ahascragh First Responders are holding their annual 5k Fun Run/Jog/Walk on the 3rd of April at 11 a.m.! Registration for this event will take place in Kathleens Lounge at 10 a.m. and all entry costs go directly to their cause. The first responders aim to train people in the community in the use of the Defibrillators and purchase more life saving defibrillators for the village! For more information visit their Facebook page Ahascragh First Responders 5km Fun Run/Jog! We may not be as fast on our feet as the younger generation but a large number of Active Retirement members can be seen stepping it out every Tuesday. morning on the Athletic track.
Our walk is followed by exercises in the G.A.A Club house. Our physical instructor, Eilis Ryan has very kindly taken us under her wing. As part of the “Fit Town” Project, she effortlessly puts us through our paces. Under her instructions, we bend and stretch despite the aching limbs and creaking bones. We enjoy the morning, and the effort it takes to keep fit and healthy makes it all worth while. Now if we could only abstain from the lovely tea and biscuits which follow! ;-) Chris O’Flynn, P.R.O.. The Irish National Minor School Championship was held in the National Aquatic Centre in Dublin on Sunday February 7th. 12 swimmers from Ballinasloe swim club represented their National Schools in individual events & an additional 6 represented Creagh NS in Relay events. The competition in the Minor Schools is exceptionally high with the best young swimmers in the country making it into the Nationals. Coached by Brendan Breathnach & Rochelle Stockil Trappe the Ballinasloe swimmers performed amazingly! Both Ballinasloe Swimming Club & their schools expressed how they felt very proud to have them representing us! An even greater congrats is to be sent to those who made it into the finals on the day as this places each of them amongst the top 10 strongest swimmers in the country in that event. For those who won medals amongst such stiff competition it is a testament to all the hard work they and the coaches put in throughout the year.
The Results of this amazing representation by the kids are below. U9 Girls
Girls U10 Freestyle Relay
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February 2025